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Grades A, AH36 and DH36 bulb flats are primarily used in shipbuilding to reinforce the vessel's hull, in bridge building and for the laying of rail tracks. Marine steel DH36 bulb flats are tailor made for plate stiffening applications. Their special shape provides significant benefits compared with other types of stiffener. Bulb flats provide benefits during the initial steel construction phase, and also during the working life of a ship or other products on which they are used.
Marine steel bulb flats offer many unique benefits for achieving these objectives:
They are “ready to use” plate stiffeners, bulb flats are more cost effective.
The unique shape of a bulb flat distributes steel to maximize resistance to buckling.
The compact shape of a bulb flat offers easy access for welding and painting.
Bulb flats can also reduce coating material while maintaining the same section modulus.
The rounded shape of a bulb flat provides inherent corrosion resistance features. It enhances drainage, and minimise dirt and moisture traps.
The advantages of bulb flats stretch beyond the initial building phase to provide benefits during the working life of a ship. Their shape has inherent corrosion resistance features, and they are more “user friendly” for repair and maintenance, compared with other stiffeners. Recognition of the benefits which bulb flats provide is resulting in increased usage in bridges around the world, both large and small. The advantages that bulb flats offer assist both the initial construction phase as well as the working life of the bridge.
GB T 5312 Carbon and carbon-manganese steel seamless steel tubes and pipes are mainly for ship use, also known as shipbuilding steel pipes. Under GB T 5312, there are mainly 5 steel grades: grade 320, 360, 410, 460 and 490. Each grade covers three levels: I, II, III.
Angle steel, commonly known as angle iron, is a long strip of steel whose sides are perpendicular to each other. There are equal angle steels and unequal angle steels. The two sides of equal angle steel are equal in width. The unequal angle steel is also known as L shape profile steel.
Flat bar steel can be produced according to the user's needs, with fixed thickness, width and length. It can reduce the cutting process for users, reduce the consumption of labor and materials, and also reduce the processing loss of raw materials.
Bulb flat steel for shipbuilding
The bulb flat steel is a kind of medium section material which is mainly used in the field of shipbuilding and bridge building, and the shipbuilding bulb flat steel is an auxiliary medium section material for shipbuilding.
The steel for shipbuilding and oil platform---FH40, is the high tensile strength steel.The shipbuilding steel FH40 is the Hull structural steel.We can provide FH40 shipbuilding steel plate price.
The steel for shipbuilding and oil platform---EH40, is the high tensile strength steel.The shipbuilding steel EH40 is the Hull structural steel.We can provide EH40 shipbuilding steel plate price.
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